خرید کتاب آموزش زبان چینی

مرتب سازی بر اساس:   نام محصول (صعودی | نزولی)، قیمت (صعودی | نزولی)، امتیاز مشتریان (صعودی | نزولی)

HSK Standard Course 5B+Workbook

This book sets 18 lessons covering about 1200 words, half of the vocabulary in HSK fifth level exam, 60 language points and explanations of 18 phrases easily confused. After acquiring contents in this book, students will be able to discuss topics in wide fields and communicate with native speakers in fluent Chinese.
قیمت قبلی: 950,000 تومان
قیمت: 500,000 تومان

Hsk Standard Course 5A + Workbook

This book sets 18 lessons covering about 1200 words, half of the vocabulary in HSK fifth level exam, 60 language points and explanations of 18 phrases easily confused. After acquiring contents in this book, students will be able to discuss topics in wide fields and communicate with native speakers in fluent Chinese.

قیمت قبلی: 950,000 تومان
قیمت: 500,000 تومان

آموزش زبان چینی نصرت نسخه صادراتی

دوره مقدماتی و پیشرفته ـ مکالمه زبان چینی نصرت در سه ماه با روزی 30 دقیقه گوش کردن به هر درس
روش استفاده آسان برای تمامی سنین با هر سطح آشنایی به زبان چینی
برگرفته شده از جدیدترین متد آموزشی روز جهان                          
تمرکز و تقویت حافظه در ضمن یادگیری
تکرار مطالب در فواصل زمانی مختلف
قیمت: 455,000 تومان

راه موفقیت 5

راه موفقیت 5 

قیمت: 400,000 تومان

HSK Standard Course 4A + Workbook

قیمت قبلی: 770,000 تومان
قیمت: 400,000 تومان

HSK Standard Course 3 + Workbook

Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of ""combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing"". It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners.
قیمت قبلی: 770,000 تومان
قیمت: 400,000 تومان

HSK Standard Course 2 + Workbook

Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of ""combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing"". It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners.

قیمت قبلی: 750,000 تومان
قیمت: 375,000 تومان

HSK Standard Course 1 + Workbook

Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of ""combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing"". It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners.

قیمت قبلی: 700,000 تومان
قیمت: 375,000 تومان

آموزش زبان چینی در 60 روز

قیمت قبلی: 420,000 تومان
قیمت: 336,000 تومان

(Conversational Chinese 301 (Book 1 +Workbook

قیمت قبلی: 285,000 تومان
قیمت: 220,000 تومان

Conversational Chinese 301 (Book 2)SB+WB +CD

An intensive, well thought out two-volume beginning course for adult learners. The lessons develop an 800-word vocabulary and 301 basic conversational sentence patterns. On completion, the student should be able to carry on simple conversations, and will have acquired a solid foundation for further study. For classes and self-study, with simplified characters. Also available are three CD's to accompany the text.

قیمت قبلی: 285,000 تومان
قیمت: 220,000 تومان

Chinese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary

Newly revised and updated, the Mandarin Chinese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary is a quick and intuitive way to learn and recall everyday words in Mandarin Chinese.
The Mandarin Chinese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary introduces a range of useful current vocabulary in thematic order, using full-color photographs and artworks to display and label all the elements of everyday life — from the home and office to sport, music, nature, and the countries of the world — with panel features on key nouns, verbs, and useful phrases.
قیمت قبلی: 400,000 تومان
قیمت: 200,000 تومان

HSK Standard Course 4B + Workbook

قیمت قبلی: 360,000 تومان
قیمت: 188,000 تومان

New TOPIK MASTER Final Practice Mock Test TOPIK 1 Chinese

New TOPIK MASTER Final Chinese Edition is a revision of the existing TOPIK MASTER Final Practice Mockingo Beginner It is a preparation for the Korean Proficiency Test I. We analyzed the current issue and analyzed the intentions of the problem and showed new type analysis and learning strategy which tells how to find the answer quickly. We also translated the test strategy and friendly commentary as if it were a lecture in Chinese. We provided 10 mock exam questions tailored to the actual test type so that the learner can effectively prepare for the Korean language proficiency test.

قیمت قبلی: 300,000 تومان
قیمت: 150,000 تومان
طراحی و اجرا: فروشگاه ساز سبدخرید